About Me

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I am a southern girl, born and raised in North Carolina. I graduated from ECU in May of '08 with a BS in Computer Science. I then moved to Arizona to live with my boyfriend (now fiance) and I work as an IS Site Administrator.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Where to start..

Why am I starting this? I don't know exactly. I blame Steph for it. But honestly since I've moved so far away from where I grew up it's a good way to give friends and family the option to keep in touch with me and not feel so out of touch with what's going on in my life.

For those that may come to follow my blog who don't know me here's a brief intro of me. I was born and raised in North Carolina. After going to East Carolina University and getting a B.S. in Computer Science I moved to Arizona. Why Arizona you ask? I followed my heart. For those that know me well, off-roading is a big part of my life and through that hobby I came to know my now fiance, Aaron. We are due to be married on November 7th (for those in my family..I am getting invitations out!).

Here is what brought us together:

I love photography, I am by no means a pro but I enjoy it a lot. I have an Olympus E-Volt E300 that I shoot with. You can find all of my pictures here:

I will update this blog mostly with off-roading trip highlights, probably mostly on weekends seeing as during the week there is nothing much to our daily routine that's anything worth posting about. Hope you enjoy.